Summer AGMs

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As we’ve come to the end of the second school term, all of the societies have had to run their end-of-year AGMs, wherein the next year’s committee will be voted in. As it stands, I’m an active member of three societies: PhysChem, Computer Science, and Maths. I am, as of this week, on the committee for each of them.

I’m slightly concerned that I have over committed myself but honestly I’ve wanted all of these roles for a while now. For Maths I’ve been voted in as problem setter, wherein I have to set weekly maths problems, tailored to all skill levels present. As a child I (somehow) missed out on competitive mathematics so I’m not entirely sure on how to set problems. That being said I adore watching youtube videos on the topics, so maybe I’ll just note them down.

Secondly, I am now the events officer for physchem, a role I’ve wanted since before its conception. Truly I hope we can get some good stuff done next year, some nice little trips, some talks, quizes, etc. This may be the most demanding role during the term.

Thirdly, I am the problem setter and server admin for computer science society. Server admin is a very strange role that seems to be centered around cleaning up (or completely wiping) the current server. (So it’s exactly like being a software engineer), but more importantly I get to begin work on fostering a competitive programming environ here in Maynooth. I’ve been given the opportunity to put a community in place.

For both puzzle master and problem setter, I feel like the best thing to do is to set up problem banks over the summer, from which I can just use during the year.

A little terrified that this will be much too much work but we shall see!!